The information for shareholders and investors contained in this site is made available for the purpose of providing financial and management information regarding McDonald's Holdings Company (Japan), Ltd., and its group companies, and no guarantee whatsoever is made regarding the contents of that information. The contents of this site may be changed or removed without notice.
In addition, certain information regarding the plans, strategies and decisions of McDonald's Holdings Company (Japan), Ltd., and its group companies represents the Company's and the group's outlook for the future, rather than historical facts. This forward-looking information is based on the information, assumptions and decisions available to the Company's and the group's management at the time it was prepared, and contains various elements of risk and uncertainty. Accordingly, it is possible that actual business results, etc. made public in the future will differ in various aspects from this information.
The items contained in this site are provided as an explanation of financial and management information regarding McDonald's Holdings Company (Japan), Ltd., and its group companies, and is not intended as a solicitation for investment. Any decision to invest is solely that of the investor.
There is a possibility that material information will be posted on this site within 12 hours of its public release (prior to the "public release" as per Section 30 of the Supplementary Codes of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan). In such cases, persons viewing this site prior to the "public release" will be considered preliminary receivers of material information as defined by insider trading regulations. Persons who have viewed this material information and buy or sell shares of the Company could be in violation of insider trading regulations, and are hereby cautioned against violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law in this regard.